Week 4 of Quarantine
Hola everyone, As you may know we are in week 4 of quarantine and are still staying at home , Last week was the first day of going back to school after the holidays which I'm sure you all did a lot of bike rides and walks in the holidays. But now we are on the second week of school work and this week for school we did math,chapter challenge,R.E,writing and inquiry. Inquiry For inquiry we are doing it on the ocean and pollution. For inquiry we have options on what to choose and I chose to do it on plastic so what we have to do for inquiry we use the topic we chose and do one big question and three sub questions. Chapter Challenge Every week usually for chapter challenge we read our book and we do activities on the book but since the teachers cant read to us they send us videos that they have recorded and we have to listen to it. This week for the activities I did doing information on hypothermia and then I did this thing when you had to create and rename a lan...