Second book-Millions

Kia Ora everyone, As you may know we have been working on Lit circles if you don't know what Lit Circles is a thing we do when we read a book and do 6 task Investigator,Connector,Word Wizard,Summerizier,Travel Tracker and Discussion Director. A few weeks ago we were reading a book called the Butterfly Lion that book was a really good book I enjoyed it a lot. But two weeks ago we started a new book called Millions which also has a movie for it. So far we are upto chapter 12 and right now it is a very good book it is bout this boy called Damian and his brother Anthony. Damin the younger brother is quit into saints and has visions about them and then one day a ton of money starts falling from the sky,but they can't tell their Dad because then he will want to give it to the bank so they have Seventeen days to spend the money. Some ways that they spent it was they gave poor people money and took them to Pizza Hut,they payed people at school to get them stuff an...